Healthy Coping Strategies During COVID-19
Amber Brandt
Amber Brandt
Amber is a StoryBrand certified copywriter and mom. Her goal is to create engaging articles that educate and inspire.
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Over the past few weeks, you’ve probably found yourself going between a variety of emotions regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, maybe as a result of altered routines, financial pressure, or social isolation. It’s normal to feel helpless and overwhelmed, especially when so much is unknown and changing by the day. But there are a few strategies you can use to process emotions and cope with feelings of anxiety or depression.
- Take care of your body. When there is so much we cannot control, it’s important to focus on the things we can. Healthy, regular meals, adequate sleep, participating in physical activity, and relaxation all help us to relax, recharge, and think clearly. Even if it’s simply taking a shower, bath, or reading a good book, make sure you’re finding space every few days to unwind and clear your head.
- Limit screen time. In addition to food, our emotions and mental health are largely impacted by the things we read on social media or listen to in the news. Make sure you’re listening to trusted sources and know your limits. Set reasonable rules around when and for how long you’ll indulge in news media.
- Connect with others. While you can’t physically meet a friend for coffee, FaceTime and even Facebook Video can help you feel connected. Even just a good old-fashioned phone call to a family member or friend can help improve your mood and make you feel less isolated. Make sure you talk about your feelings and also plenty of things that don’t relate to COVID-19. Many people have also made a practice of writing cards and letters to people they miss during this time. Don’t hesitate to let friends know if you’re feeling lonely.
- Create rhythms. When your schedule is thrown off it can be really difficult to feel much order in your day. Try to create blocks of repeatable activities each day that can create a new healthy rhythm within your home. Set mealtimes, screen times, schools times, and inside or outside activity times. Anything that helps you and your family feel more “normal” will help everyone feel safer and more productive.