Moorhouse has the privilege of working with Karter Rimmer-Jones, 7, and Bradley Foy, 12 in her classroom and their impact on her life, as well as others around them, is immeasurable.
“The best part of this journey is watching the joy and pride this adventure gives Bradley and Karter,” Moorhouse said. “They smile and you can see the self-confidence exude out of their little bodies.”

Her love for the two boys is apparent and she’s given them the moniker BK Boys, using both of their first initials, to celebrate their accomplishments and promote their activities throughout the school.
“Karter has made tremendous growth this year,” Moorhouse said. “Bradley loves to bring smiles to the faces of anyone he meets. In January, the boys and I started talking about making a “store” for them to buy toys from. This brought about the idea of the BK Boys entrepreneurship.”

Moorhouse works with the boys on developing life skills and discussed the concept of earning money to purchase things. Their first idea was to create hot chocolate to help stay warm in the winter. The boys worked with Moorhouse to write orders, hand craft the cocoa, and use proper customer service skills when delivering the orders.
“At the end of our Hot Chocolate Day we counted money and talked Business 101 to give back to their company, as well as earn a wage,” Moorhouse said. “The business was booming, so we decided to keep up the momentum.”
Moorhouse and the BK Boys created a Google Doc to help keep track of their next enterprise: Custom trail mix orders.

“Customers (staff) were able to pick and choose trail mix ingredients and Bradley and Karter were able to pass them out,” Moorhouse said. “Karter uses a device to talk, so he would ask for payment, while Bradley would make sure the customer was satisfied and wish them a great day.”
Handmade bookmarks were next, and the BK Boys were challenged when word got out about the creative placeholders. Students saw teachers using the bookmarks and wanted some for themselves, so the boys created more and offered them for sale at a table in the hallway.

Next, they took orders for planted flowers in small pots and are considering selling lemonade as well.
“Their social skills have grown, and they both walk around like the mayors of SCA,” Moorhouse said. “Every student knows Bradley and Karter and truly loves interacting with them.”
Keep up the excellent work, BK Boys and Mrs. Moorhouse!
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