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Safe/er Social Media Networks

Amber Brandt  |  September 06, 2023

Did you know Generation X is the last one who will remember what life was like before the internet? That’s how Generation Z (individuals currently ages 9-24) have earned the nickname “digital natives.” They’re the first generation to grow up with the internet as a part of their daily life.

What makes this reality tricky, is that just because your 4th grader can operate your smart phone better than you doesn’t mean they’re ready for a Snap Chat profile or understand the ins and outs of staying safe online.

The good news is, there are several safer social media and messaging apps available, specifically designed to protect children under 13 while providing an age-appropriate way to connect with friends online. Here’s our short list of recommendations to explore:

Age 6+
Kinzoo Messenger for Families

Age 8+

Age 9+

Age 10+
Cocoon - A Space for Family
Home Base by Scholastic

Age 13+
Depending on when you feel comfortable allowing your child to download some of the more popular apps with less restrictions, you may like to consider XooLoo Digital Coach for teens to help limit your child’s time within apps and how they use them.

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