NHA Schools Distribute Over 200,000 Meals to Communities
NHA Communications TeamNHA Communications Team
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A commitment to ensuring students have access to nutritious meals, whether that’s throughout the course of the regular school year or during school closures, is what led to National Heritage Academies (NHA) to distribute over 227,000 meals to date during the Covid-19 Coronavirus pandemic.
NHA is working tirelessly to ensure students maintain a healthy and nutritious diet, even when they are away from their school building. NHA school leaders have been working in collaboration with Preferred Meals, food service provider, to continue serving families in school communities. Families and members of the community were invited to pick up meals from select schools.
Dan Kuk, NHA food service specialist lead, reflected how he felt seeing how many meals have been served to families and communities.
“I am truly amazed and grateful for all our partners to come together to ensure our families and communities are able to receive meals from NHA schools during this time of crisis,” shared Kuk. “So many people have jumped in with a ‘whatever it takes’ mentality to provide meals. There is a profound sense of pride and duty to serve our children nutritious meals who may not otherwise have access.”
Various teams are working together to ensure meal distribution happens. Preferred Meals works on the “front lines” to distribute meals, while the Facilities Team and Aramark allow building access to food workers.
Tom Belanger, resident district manager for Preferred Meals, shared how it feels seeing how many meals we’ve been able to serve. “It is truly a testament to not only the current need for meals but the great pride the Preferred Meals team has to make sure we are meeting the needs of the families and students we serve.”
Even Parent Teacher Organizations and volunteers came together to assist in distributing meals either through bussing efforts, owning food distribution, or taking meals out to the community.
Kuk shared, “It is truly my privilege and duty to ensure students have access to nutritious meals. Thinking about food insecurities for the children in our schools and communities and thinking about my own children provides my spark to ensure each action I take is geared to ensuring they have access to meals.”
Without those on the front lines, this would not be possible.
“Everyone who has had a part in meal distribution are nothing short of superheroes in my book,” said Kuk.