“Teachers then share with their co-workers, so we can celebrate each other and our scholars,” said Christine Welc, principal at Paramount. “The teachers explain why something different or special will be taking place in their classroom and ask for extra recognition for their scholars. Classrooms get compliments for quiet hallway lines, good recess behavior, all students working hard in class on an assignment, quiet lunch lines, the list goes on.”
When the class gets 10 compliments and spells the word, they get to celebrate with something special, such as a PJ party, extra recess, hat day, or popcorn for a fun snack at the end of the day.
“Individual praise is important, and it’s essential to recognize students for the wise choices they make on their own,” said Laura Catarino, first-grade teacher. “However, I love using class compliments and class rewards as well, because it’s important for students to feel like an important member of our class family.”

Classes that collect enough letters for a celebration choose their party by a good old-fashioned vote. Each time a class earns a party, the number of compliments they need for another party increases by 10. Catarino comments that by the end of the year, they may need 100 or 150 compliments, which she believes builds stamina and helps in making good choices become second nature.
“Most importantly, I use class rewards because rather than asking a student to be happy they earned something other students did not, they are asked to celebrate something they helped others earn,” said Catarino. “What a powerful feeling to give a first grader. ‘I worked with my class family to make our school a nice place to be. I helped earn this party. I am an important part of my class family.’”
What a great way to work with our scholars in helping them learn how to make good choices. Nice job Paramount staff!
A Sampling of COMPLIMENT Comments
“Our class chose to wear blue or white for their party.” – Ms. Lockett, fourth grade
“My kinder class chose a PJ party for their class compliment party!!” – Ms. Sager, kindergarten
“We earned our compliment party today and will celebrate tomorrow with a PJ party! It feels like forever when we started to earn compliments. I am very proud of my students!” – Ms. Stayner, kindergarten
“My class will have a dress-down day tomorrow to celebrate our first compliment party!” – Mr. Loriso, sixth grade
“Our first one this school year, 7B will dress down tomorrow.” – Ms. Bulifant, sixth- and seventh-grade math
“It took us three months, but we finally got our first COMPLIMENT party! Our class will be having a PJ party tomorrow! If you see us in the hallway, be sure to give them a thumbs up for a job well done!! We are SUPER EXCITED!” – Ms. Sager, kindergarten
“My fifth graders earned their second compliment party, and they will be wearing pajamas/dress down tomorrow!” – Ms. Greenman, fifth grade
About Paramount Charter Academy
Paramount Charter Academy is a tuition-free, public charter school in Kalamazoo, Michigan, serving students in Young 5s through eighth grade. It is part of the National Heritage Academies network, which includes more than 100 tuition-free, public charter schools serving more than 65,000 students in kindergarten through 12th grade across nine states. For more information, visit nhaschools.com.
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