School Operations
Our School Operations page serves as a central hub where stakeholders can access information about school policies, procedures, rules, and regulations. This includes details about safety protocols, budgets, school meals, and more.
Interpretation & Translation Services
If you have questions and need an interpreter or translator, you may request this service and it will be provided at no cost to you.
Child Abuse and Maltreatment Prevention
Do you suspect abuse or maltreatment?
Report it now!
Call our Statewide Toll Free Number: 1-800-342-3720
If you are deaf and hard of hearing, call TDD/TYY at: 1-800-638-5163
or have your Video Relay System provider call: 1-800-342-3720
If you believe that a child is in immediate danger, call 911 or your local police department.
If you believe a child is the victim of abuse and maltreatment, please go to the Concerned Citizens Guide to Reporting Suspected Child Abuse and Maltreatment.
For more information on the signs of child abuse and maltreatment please refer to Child Protective Services.
District-Wide Plan
- Brooklyn Excelsior ESSER Plan
- BECS Budget_Narrative ESSER III Amendment 2
- BECS Budget_Narrative ESSER III Revised
- BECS ESSER III Amendment 2 FS010A
- Brooklyn Excelsior ARP ESSER Application Part 2 ARP Act
- Brooklyn Excelsior Budget Narrative ESSER
- Brooklyn Excelsior ESSER III Amendment 3 FS10A Signed