Young 5s
Children enter school with a variety of experiences. We offer options to meet their individual needs. Younger learners who turn 5 between June 1 and December 1 may be a good fit for our Young 5s program. We are glad to accept the Michigan waiver for incoming Kindergarten and Young 5s students. This waiver allows students 5 years old on or before December 1st to apply for either grade level.
We created Young 5s to support younger learners who may benefit from a transitional year. Children adjust to the social and academic demands of school in a fun, hands-on environment. Young 5s provides ‘the gift of time’ so younger learners can succeed in Kindergarten. Teachers help them develop social, motor and academic skills necessary to prosper in a regular kindergarten class. Students who complete their first year in the Young 5s program will be promoted to the regular kindergarten program the following year.
If your child is ready for a more rigorous program, then Kindergarten may be the right choice. Kindergarten moves at a faster pace than Young 5s. Children should enter Kindergarten with the basic personal, social, emotional, motor and academic skills necessary to succeed in school. We know it can be a difficult decision, so we provide options to help you choose what’s best for your child.