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Westfield Charter Academy is a uniquely supportive environment that encourages the success of all students. Our teachers partner with parents to form a cohesive unit of support that guides and inspires students. We offer free tutoring programs starting in October for our students based on teacher recommendation. Please contact the school office for more information.

Tutoring 101

Tutoring may seem like a consequence to a parent or student, making the student feel like they have fallen behind in a particular subject. However, tutoring is a resource that will help develop building blocks to get the student to where they need to be academically.

How do I know if my student needs tutoring?

  • Stay connected!
    • ​Keep track of your student's grades and performance by checking your Parent Portal often.
    • Connect with your student's teacher regularly. Ask for updates on your student's progress and performance. Teachers will offer insight to whether tutoring is necessary, and how you can support your student at home.
    • Talk to your student. Ask them how they feel about a specific subject - their response may be an indicator.
  • Observe your student while they are doing their homework.
    • Watch their body language - do they appear frustrated?
    • Talk with your student about their work. Sometimes they just need encouragement.

Why is tutoring beneficial?

  • Gives the student a chance to talk with someone one-on-one to hash out any questions or concerns they have.
  • Discourages cramming and bad study and homework habits.
  • Builds student's confidence in themselves and the material.
  • Develops responsibility in the student - "I have a test coming up, I need to get help!"
  • Helps the student move forward and get to their end goal.

When is the best time to get a tutor?

  • Before and after a test is one of the best times for tutoring. We all know a tutor can help your child study in preparation for a test, but after a test a tutor can help your student go through any wrong answers on their test and provide extra support where they are struggling.
  • During summer break. If your student is struggling with a certain subject matter, taking an extended break during the summer could cause them to lose all the ground they gained during the school year. Many teachers offer tutoring during the summer months. Connect with your student's teacher or dean and they can point you in the right direction.
Homework help is here

How to Help at Home

Parents being invested in their student's education at home is an important resource for helping their student stay on track. 

By helping your student at home, you may be able to put a stop to any struggles before they start. You will also be able to step in and connect your student to any extra tools or resources they may need.
Helping at Home