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South Canton Delivers Courage Bags to U of M Cancer Patients

In support of February’s Moral Focus virtue; courage, Kristen Piraine’s third-grade class at South Canton did an exercise in which they shared stories of someone they thought demonstrates courage. Piraine shared that her sister, who is a nurse on the Oncology Floor at University of Michigan, shows courage, along with her patients. This sparked an idea to make courage bags to deliver to patients to help bring a smile while they battle their illness.

The students brought in spare change and were able to raise over $100 to make courage bags for cancer patients. The students raised enough money to buy the bags, knit-hats, chap sticks, lotions, hand sanitizers, and candies for each patient.

“We talked about how they are showing great courage to keep fighting their sickness and to get better,” said Piraine. “We talked about how we could help these patients to have courage.”

The students stuffed the bags with goodies and decorated them with uplifting words of strength and courage They also wrote cards and a decorated a poster.  

“Making courage bags was a great way for our students to see that they can contribute, and that every little bit of kindness can matter. We talk in our class about spreading kindness into the world and this was a great example,” said Piraine. “Even if someone is going through something that is not easy, a little smile can help us all continue to persevere!”

Piraine’s students are excited to continue giving back to their community and have already been brainstorming other service projects to do next.

Great work, South Canton!