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Quest Charter Academy Hosts Summer Reading Program

Students at Quest Charter Academy are keeping their reading skills sharp over the summer by participating in the school’s sixth annual Summer Reading Program. The program is designed for all kindergarten- through eighth-grade students who are interested and runs Monday through Thursday for four weeks.

“We have seven teachers running the program this summer, and they are all so dedicated to helping our students keep up their reading stamina over the summer,” said Jessica Radcliff, eighth-grade English language arts teacher at Quest. “It is important to continue reading over the summer so our students retain knowledge from the previous school years and do not fall behind their peers.”

Throughout the day, students rotate in grade-level groups and participate in various activities, including silent reading, crafting, computer learning, and small group time. A theme is assigned each day and the students read short stories, complete their craft, and work on reading skills that focus on that day’s theme. At the end of the session, the teachers and students come together for a snack before heading outside of recess.

“As a parent of three Quest Knights, what I enjoy most about our school's Summer Reading Program is that my children are getting extra practice and help to combat summer reading loss,” said one Quest parent. “It helps to know I have access to trained educators who will work alongside me to make sure my children are in the best place possible over the summer months!”

So far, 134 students have attended the program, averaging 65 students per day. The program is slated to continue through early August.

“We love that our Quest students and staff are so dedicated to reading over the summer and hope to continue the program for many years to come,” said Radcliff.