School Operations
Our School Operations page serves as a central hub where stakeholders can access information about school policies, procedures, rules, and regulations. This includes details about safety protocols, budgets, school meals, and more.
Interpretation & Translation Services
If you have questions and need an interpreter or translator, you may request this service and it will be provided at no cost to you.
Title IX Coordinator
Principal Jorvana Drain shall serve as the Title IX Coordinator for the School. If students, their parents/guardians, or anyone else on their behalf believe they have been subjected to discriminatory harassment, including but not limited to harassment related to the students’ sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity and expression, or pregnancy by school board members, staff, students, vendors, contractors, or other persons doing business with the School, it should be immediately reported to the Title IX Coordinator of the school and should provide specific details regarding the event, the date of the event, and the parties involved. The complaint will be considered confidential and will be expeditiously investigated by the Title IX Coordinator with the assistance of NHA legal counsel as necessary and appropriate.