Our schools and community are built on the partnership and involvement of our amazing parents. We are stronger together. Whether you're working side-by-side with your child, leading a field trip, or volunteering in our offices, we value your help and know your child will appreciate having you there.
Sign Up to VolunteerVolunteer Opportunities
We offer a variety of opportunities for parents to become involved in school or at home. Please call our office today at 734-397-0960 to discuss available opportunities.
Check out our Volunteer FAQ to learn more about volunteering.
Lunch/Recess Volunteers
1-5 days/week for 1 hourDetails
Help monitor students during lunch and recess.Field Trip Drivers & Chaperones
Assist on school field trips by either supervising activities away from school or by driving a small group of students to a field trip or event. Must be 21 years of age, hold a valid driver's license, and be able to provide proof of insurance.PTO Members
2 days/week for 1 hourDetails
Assist with planning or organizing events, talking with other parents, setting up events, or planning for the school year. Flexible based on interests. Work with PTO president and other parents on planning for the school year. Must be collaborative, organized, and available some nights.Volunteer Requirements
Our highest priority is keeping our schools safe, so we’ve established a variety of security levels based on available volunteer opportunities. Please review the levels below to understand the security requirements for each opportunity and the necessary corresponding forms that must be completed before serving.

Level One
A school employee will always supervise the volunteer. Volunteers can work in classrooms and the office, but cannot handle money.
- Volunteer Authorization
- Release Form
- State-Issued Photo ID

Level Two
A school employee or Level 3 volunteer provides limited supervision to the volunteer. Field trip chaperones, drivers, recess monitors are Level 2.
- Volunteer Authorization Release Form
- State-Issued Photo ID
- Background Check

Level Three
Volunteers can work with students with no direct supervision. They can chaperone overnight field trips and tutor students.
- Volunteer Authorization Form
- State-Issued Photo ID
- Background Check
Interested in Volunteering?
If you’re interested in serving as a volunteer, please let us know as soon as possible. Paperwork and background checks can take time to process, and we wouldn’t want you to miss out on your requested opportunity! Log in to the Parent Portal or contact the school at 734-397-0960 to sign up as a volunteer.