Meet Our Leadership Team

Meet Vista Principal Dawn Donati
Meet Dawn Donati, principal at Vista Charter Academy in Grand Rapids, MI! Principal Donati has spent her career dedicated to fostering growth and development for both her teachers and students. She knows that the success of a school goes beyond just her leadership and requires a team approach.Meet the Principal
Meet Our School Board
Our School Board draws from the best local civic and community leaders. They volunteer their time and energy to ensure students at Vista Charter Academy receive the best education possible. For a schedule of Board meetings, minutes, and more information, visit the Board Documents page or contact us at WFCA.board@gmail.com or at 616-246-6920.
Monica Sparks
Patrick Coleman
Vice President
Mercedes Toohey
Anjie Manuel
Ryan Huizenga
"I really like Vista's principal. She is very active thorughout the school and I like how she interacts with parents."
- Vista Charter Academy Parent
Our Authorizer

We are authorized by Bay Mills Community College. They sponsor and monitor us to ensure we achieve academic results and uphold the promises made in our charter.
Learn About Our Authorizer