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Vanguard Raises Nearly $5,000 for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

For the past six years, Vanguard Charter Academy has held a three-week-long fundraiser for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) in order to support cancer research and provide for the families of those in need. Their goal this year was to raise $4,000 and they not only reached their goal, but they surpassed it! Tentatively, the school community at Vanguard raised $4,707.30.

Pennies for Patients connects schools with local blood cancer patients, provides tangible life skills to participants, and allows students to see the impact they are making in the lives of others.

Vanguard’s student council jumped on board with this fundraiser after being contacted by the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society because they make it a mission to improve their school, community, and world. Vanguard has also had students with family members who have suffered with Leukemia, so it was a cause that was very close to their heart.

“Supporting the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society fits in perfectly with our school's Moral Focus values,” said Pam Foster, seventh-grade language arts teacher at Vanguard Charter Academy. “In Student Council, we utilize a project-based learning model that focuses on the question: How can we help to improve our school, our community, and our world?”

In addition to giving to an amazing cause, students love the competitive nature that the campaign brings. The top fundraising classroom won a pasta party from Olive Garden, gold, silver, and bronze pennant flags were awarded for classrooms who earned $100-$300+, and students even won individual prizes for offline and online donations.

“Our students have seen the value of setting a goal and have felt the accomplishment upon reaching it and they build community within their classes as they work together to do good,” said Foster. “Ultimately, the joy in giving is shown on their faces as regular updates come through and our grand total just keeps growing.”