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Second-Grade South Arbor Student is Principal for the Day

Pierce Dzanbazoff, a second-grade student at South Arbor Charter Academy, took over the position of principal last week. In his one day tenure as principal, he changed the dress code, ordered an extra recess, and gave away Moral Focus awards.

As guest principal for the day, Dzanbazoff also confidently led the school assembly and gave multiple high-fives throughout the day. It was National High Five Day, after all.

“He set up quite an agenda for the day,” said Kim Bondy, principal of South Arbor Charter Academy. “He liked visiting classrooms and looking for kids that were being good. He then gave those students pencils as a reward and gift cards from Tim Horton’s.”

He served as a recess monitor for middle schoolers and played tag with them.  

“He enjoyed doing recess duty because the middle school students played with him,” said Bondy. “He said that he made a lot of new friends.”

Dzanbazoff won the opportunity to be principal for the day when his mom put in the highest bid at the annual auction.

“Pierce had a fantastic day as principal,” said his mother, Cari Dzanbazoff, “A memory he will have forever. After a full day of work, he truly appreciates all the hard work and dedication of the principal and staff at South Arbor!”

The day was so exhausting that Dzanbazoff fell asleep on the way home from school.