Meet Our Leadership Team
"I love the staff at Regent Park Scholars. They truly make you feel like a part of the family!"
- Regent Park Scholars Parent
Meet Our School Board
Our School Board draws from the best local civic and community leaders. They volunteer their time and energy to ensure students at Regent Park Scholars receive the best education possible. For a schedule of Board meetings, minutes, and more information, visit the Board Documents page.
To contact the Board:
Phone: 313-371-1300
Email: regentparkboard@gmail.com
To contact the Board:
Phone: 313-371-1300
Email: regentparkboard@gmail.com
Barbara Bates
Jillian Stelma
Vice President
Shannon Murray
Erica Henderson
Lamar Phillips
Our Authorizer

We are authorized by Lake Superior State University. They sponsor and monitor us to ensure we achieve academic results and uphold the promises made in our charter.
Learn About Our Authorizer