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Pasta Dinner Provides a Great Introduction for New Knapp Principal

A new school year always presents opportunities for scholars and staff to build lasting relationships. A recent event at Knapp Charter Academy provided a deliciously unique way for families to also meet their new principal.
First-year Knapp Charter Academy Principal Jonai Maddrick welcomed students and their families for a Pasta with the Principal event where she was able to share a bit about herself and begin making those important connections which have helped Knapp outperform the local district for the past 13 years.

“As the new principal to Knapp, it was great to have an opportunity to meet with the new families and to share my vision for Knapp,” Maddrick said. “The scholars who attended the event asked about the activities Knapp offers to make their time fun.”

Maddrick may be new to Knapp, but she started in education over 17 years ago, teaching math, reading, and language arts along the way. Born and raised in Detroit, she joined the NHA family in 2013 and taught middle school math at Milwaukee Scholars in Wisconsin before transitioning to upper and lower elementary dean positions at Inspire Charter Academy in Louisiana.

“I am excited to see and speak with the new and returning Knapp families coming to our Meet the Teacher night on Aug. 17,” Maddrick said. “The staff is working hard to prepare classrooms along with engaging lessons that are going to highlight content, CHAMPS, and building a positive culture. We are ready for a strong start on Aug. 22nd!”

Families shared a meal of pasta and toured the newly renovated school while children enjoyed playing on a 60-foot obstacle course. It was a fun evening for all.

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About Knapp Charter Academy
Knapp Charter Academy is a tuition-free, public charter school in Grand Rapids, Michigan, serving students in Young 5s through eighth grade. It is part of the National Heritage Academies network, which includes more than 100 tuition-free, public charter schools serving more than 65,000 students in kindergarten through 12th grade across nine states. For more information, visit

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