Meet Our Leadership Team

Meet Foundations Principal Libby Rowe
Meet Libby Rowe, principal at Foundations Academy in Brighton, CO! Principal Rowe’s journey into education began with her love for children and inspiration from a memorable second-grade teacher. "I had an incredible teacher in second grade," Rowe reflects. "I thought, 'That's it. I want to teach second grade.' Seeing the spelling words up on the overhead projector made me think, 'I want to do that.'"Meet the Principal
Meet Our School Board
Our School Board draws from the best local civic and community leaders. They volunteer their time and energy to ensure students at Foundations Academy receive the best education possible. For a schedule of Board meetings, minutes, and more information, visit the Board Documents page or contact us at 303-659-9519.
Matthew Gissentanna
Theresa Watkins-Maher
Vice President
Rachael Watanabe
Katherine Burczek
Britnee Adams
" I love the teachers and Principal Rowe. They take care of my child like their own and want the best for them. Thank you for giving them your best!"
- Foundations Academy Parent
Our Authorizer

We are authorized by School District 27J. They sponsor and monitor us to ensure we achieve academic results and uphold the promises made in our charter.
Learn About Our Authorizer