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Forsyth Students Get Hands Dirty Planting Campus Garden

Students at Forsyth Charter Academy are starting to get their hands dirty for the upcoming fall planting season.
As part of a campus garden project, Forsyth students will plant vegetable seeds in the coming weeks.

Each class takes ownership of one planter and grows their own vegetables throughout the school year. The students are responsible for planting and watering the seeds, pulling weeds that pop up, and doing whatever else is needed to help their seeds grow into healthy veggies.

Robin Summers, a paraprofessional at the school, who ha s spearheaded the garden project, says, “This is a great opportunity for science or writing journals or other academic connections. I look forward to the classes working in the garden.”

In September, Summers decided to incorporate Moral Focus virtues into the garden by inviting teachers, students, and parents to write or draw positive pictures or phrases on rocks. The rocks are placed throughout the garden.